This is the translation which loyal to original author's thoughts. mash01(composer/lyricist) gave me permission of English translation.

Title: Singing, cats and hens
Original lyric by mash01 http://piapro.jp/mash01
Translated by Kirimisakana

Somewhere, distant countryside town
surrounded with mountains
In cozy house under the whole sky
Of course, I live with my cats

Fame, money and stormy days
Sign, I feel little tired
I'm thinking it is good to fade out
before I start detesting all

Raise hens and plant vegetables
I would get delicious eggs
Nothing would be left, but nothing would be short
Such a simple days

Living with my loving cats and hens
Those calm softly days

Though I can't stop singing
Sometimes I would upload a new song
You'd receive the seasonal message from the misterious Diva
Wouldn't nice?

Cats would be sitting on my thighs, I whould be sitting on sunny porch
Enjoying the changing sight of passing cloud
Neither eventful nor worn anyone
Those calm softly days

Living with my loving cats, hens
and singing, I would be satisfied completely


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No.098 ネコとニワトリと歌 <miku>英訳


Music by mash01
blog http://ameblo.jp/mash01-ohhoip/
mp3 http://piapro.jp/t/gIC_

mash01さんの事前許諾のもと、『No.098 ネコとニワトリと歌 <miku>』歌詞を英訳しました。


投稿日:2013/05/05 17:54:31



